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Kursy językowe 2024

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September Pre-Sessional English Course

Kod ISO-English-Course-2023
Jednostka organizacyjna Uniwersytet Opolski
Forma studiów stacjonarne
Poziom kształcenia Kurs
Profil studiów ogólnoakademicki
Języki wykładowe angielski
Czas trwania 9-29 SEPTEMBER 2024
Adres komisji rekrutacyjnej ul. Grunwaldzka 31, pok.1,
45-061 Opole,
tel. +48 77 452 72 92 hello@uni.opole.pl
Godziny otwarcia sekretariatu od 08:30 do 15:00
Adres WWW http://exams.wfil.uni.opole.pl/september-pre-sessional-english-course/
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Obecnie nie trwają zapisy.

Minione tury w tej rekrutacji:
  • Tura 1 (13.12.2023 09:45 – 31.07.2024 12:00)


By participating in the our pre-sessional English course, you can prepare for your selected study programme at the University, by practicing your speaking, listening, writing and reading skills in an academic context. You can boost your confidence and develop language learning strategies, as well as enhance interpersonal skills and socialise with interesting people from different parts of the world in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. You can get familiar with Polish culture, traditions and language through extracurricular activities and workshops.



    Course: 09 September – 29 September 2024.


    60 hours of studying – lessons 5 days a week;
    B2 level academic English;
    Small groups – around 15 people;


For those participants who require a visa in order to cross the border, the University issues a special visa invitation to be presented to the appropriate consul as well as confirmation of a place to stay for the duration of the course.

The documents are prepared after the International Students Office receives a confirmation of payment for the course.

For the invitation to be issued, we require the participants to fill in this chart. The filled out chart should be sent to hello@uni.opole.pl. The title of the message should read: PRE-SESSIONAL SEPTEMBER ENGLISH COURSE, visa invitation, [name and surname of the participant].

The price includes the accommodation cost.

We offer accommodation in twin- and triple rooms, depending on the number of the course participants.


Course fee is 2600 PLN/person.

    The fee does not include: breakfast and dinner, air fares to and from Poland, medical insurance, costs of visas, passports or other required travel documents.
    The fee includes: classes, lunch (Monday – Friday), course materials, accommodation, trips and tours, extracurricular activities and workshops, entrance fees, a city tour.

The payment for the course shall be made by 31.07.2024, by a transfer to the bank account of the University of Opole.

The information required for transfers:
Name of the beneficiary:    University of Opole
Address of the beneficiary:    Plac Kopernika 11a, 45-040 Opole, Poland
Bank:    Santander Bank Polska
Account for payments in PLN:    PL09 1090 2138 0000 0005 5600 0043
Account for payments in EUR:    PL88 1090 2138 0000 0005 5600 0076

IMPORTANT! In the title, please enter: PRE-SESSIONAL SEPTEMBER ENGLISH COURSE, [name and surname of the participant]. After you make the transfer, please send the receipt to hello@uni.opole.pl.